by Jackie
I have had diabetes at the age of 30. I discovered it only when I went for a medical test due to an operation for appendicitis. The doctor recommended the test from which I came to know that I had diabetes. The operation was postponed in order to control the diabetes. There was complications as it took 2 weeks for me, admitted at the hospital in order to lower my blood sugar. I was frustrated with the whole operation, as I had to stay in the hospital for so long. And my family was suffering from it, as my husband had to look after me as well as my 7 year old daughter. After two weeks I had the operation done having lot of blood loss and blood transfusions. The operation was successful, but had to bear a huge cost for the hospitalization and operation expenses than the usual rate. Then after three years, the diabetes had affected my eyes. When I went for a checkup with an ophthalmologist, he said that diabetes has affected my eyes, and there are chances for me to lose my vision. Therefore I need to immediately conduct a laser treatment. Again I had to spend a lot of money for the treatment.
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