Acute Pancreatitis Treatment: Get it in India

by Ravi Jeswani

Author: Ravi Jeswani

Now day2019s Indian pancreatitis surgery hospitals are providing very good option of getting low cost acute pancreatitis treatment done from India. The surgical procedure of acute pancreatitis treatment is very complex and it requires an expert in the field of pancreatitis surgery for the treatment of acute pancreatitis. Indian medical treatment centers provide most experienced pancreatitis surgeons for the treatment also the cost of the surgery in India is very low as compared to the cost of the treatment in abroad thus, many abroad patients are getting attracted to India for getting their acute pancreatitis treatment done from India at low cost . The low cost of treatment and presence of very good medical infrastructure in India make Indian pancreatitis surgery hospitals ideal destination for abroad patients seeking low cost acute pancreatitis treatment. The medical treatment centers for acute pancreatitis treatment in India are at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Severe pancreatitis causes the death of parts of the pancreas. The injured and dying pancreas releases digestive enzymes into the abdomen, which causes extensive death of fatty tissue in the abdomen. As a consequence patients with severe pancreatitis have dead pancreatic tissue and also widespread death of fatty tissue around the pancreas. This dead pancreatic tissue is the source of the all problems in patients with severe pancreatitis. Toxins released from it cause the different organs to fail, while infection of the dead material causes most of the deaths from acute pancreatitis. Patients with severe pancreatitis go through well defined stages in their illness that require specific care. During the first two weeks after a severe attack of acute pancreatitis, the treatment is directed at providing intensive critical care to support the cardiopulmonary, liver and kidneys that often fail from the severity of the insult to the body that is associated with the release of large amounts toxins from the dead pancreas in the abdomen. During this period the patient is in the ICU and may require intense medical support for heart, ventilation for the lungs if they fail and sometimes dialysis to support the kidneys. Almost all patients require intravenous nutrition. Acute pancreatitis patients often complain of severe upper abdominal pain radiating straight through to the back, with associated nausea and vomiting. Abdominal findings vary from epigastric tenderness on deep palpation to an acute abdomen with distention. Serum amylase and lipase levels are usually elevated but correlate poorly with disease severity. It is therefore essential to establish the etiology of pancreatitis. In some cases, treatment of a specific cause of pancreatitis is indicated, such as cholecystectomy for patients with gallstone pancreatitis. Patients with mild pancreatitis usually experience resolution of their pain within 24 to 48 hours after a regimen of no oral intake, narcotics for pain relief, and intravenous fluids. Once oral intake is tolerated, patients can be discharged from the hospital. Patients with pancreatitis secondary to gallstones should undergo cholecystectomy during the same hospitalization. Severe pancreatitis is often associated with a marked increase in microvascular permeability, leading to large volume losses of intravascular fluid into the tissues, thereby decreasing perfusion of the lungs, kidneys, and other organs. First condition of patients is studied and accordingly the treatment procedures are decided. Many factors are responsible for the treatment of patients. Also the surgical procedure of acute pancreatitis is complex and it requires an experienced surgeon for the treatment to avoid any post surgery complications.

The availability of best quality treatment facilities and low cost of treatment makes India an ideal destination for acute pancreatitis treatment. Most experienced surgeons are available in India for acute pancreatitis treatment, thus pancreatitis treatment in India is one of the safest option in India. Best medical treatment centers for acute pancreatitis treatment in India are in most prominent cities of India. With pancreatitis surgery in India complete defect can be removed from roots. Medical tourism in India provides very good assistance to abroad patients for their comfortable medical trip to India. They take care of all the things required to them after their arrival to India. The medical tourism in India provides best treatment facilities to abroad patients coming India for their treatment. For further details of low cost acute pancreatitis treatment in India visit: -  and mail us at

About the Author:

I am a doctor.

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May 11, 2016
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Nov 26, 2013
by: Arnab

i have acute pancreatitis .this decessturn in life 5times from 2009.iam hopeless

Dec 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

Patients with mild pancreatitis usually experience resolution of their pain within 24 to 48 hours after a regimen of no oral intake, narcotics for pain relief, and intravenous fluids. Once oral intake is tolerated, patients can be discharged from the hospital.

I recently got what i pasted up which you wrote in your article: mild pancreatitis( inflamation on the tail of pancreas)

what restrictions i have through out the life :
let me know
i mean to say : food/ alchohol/ cigrette/
i am 30 yr ols female living in US..

i have been discharged almost 2 weeks agao.. wa sin the hospital for 3 days ... i am felling very hungry and taking just liquids so far...
they did CT scan / MRCP and ultrasound..
they didnt find any gallstones or any other reason ..
doctor did my blood test again:
my lypase was lil high: 479
ESR was: 64
and one more test was 113 something related to enzymes..
they want me to go for MRI again .. which is tommorow..

i feel hungry and used to smoke 6 cig a day..

what indian food i can eat and is this problem is forever in life or i will live normally again ..

e-mail me at

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