All Alone in the World: Type 1 Diabetes

by Anonymous

On December 11, 2008 I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. At the brittle age of 12, this stopped me in my tracks or success and pure happiness.

For two weeks prior, I drank 300 oz. of water a day. I went to the bathroom two times an hour and six times a night. That's 36 times in 24 hours. I lost 10 pounds in two weeks.

I went to the doctor on December 11, 2008. They took a urine sample. I had glucose in my urine. A nurse came literally running into my room and took my first finger stick test. She went screaming out of there!

The doctor came in. She said my blood sugar was somewhere around 1000. A normal blood sugar is 80-120. I needed to go the hospital.

After seven hours in the Emergency Room with an IV, blood tests and a stuffed animal, I got word that I needed to stay for about three days. I got a room in the diabetes unit and settled in.

I learned a lot and now I feel so much better. The shots suck, but I'm going to get a pump soon. I like seeing my numbers- it's like a lifelong experiment with my insulin.

I'm going to a diabetes camp this summer. We're going rock climbing. I love rock climbing! I'm very excited.

Being diagnosed certainly made me put the world into perspective. I miss sitting on the couch and free eating chips, but I would rather live to see 2020!

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Type 2 Diabetes: Your Healthy Living Guide: Tips, Techniques, and Practical Advice for Living Well with Diabetes