Diabetes Came as A Surprise to Me

by Hanna

I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed. My mom has diabetes. I knew nothing about it. I had a medical emergency and the paramedics told me I had diabetes. My sugar was over 300. I followed up with my doctor and sure enough I had Type 2 diabetes. I did not have the warning signs of being thirsty or going to the bathroom frequently. Luckily, the diabetes did not permanently damage any of my organs. I'm on oral medication now, test my blood daily, exercise, and have modified my eating habits. My advice to anyone who doesn't think they have it, is to get tested. I make my spouse test their blood with my meter once a week. It could save your life.

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Jan 21, 2009
I feel for you and know how you feel
by: Anonymous

Hi, sweety! I know how you feel, as I was diagniosed on March 15th,2008. I am 63 years old, and was told that I have Diabetic type 2 back in March,by my Doctor. But the funny of it was that my druggist told my boyfriend that I had, had it for nearly 25 years of my life and yet, it was never seen or caught til now.
Now, I am concerned about a diet, as what all can I eat. and what am I not allowed to eat.

My name is:Esther Staley.
I live in Wichita Falls, Texas.
I was born,July 9,1945.
My birth name is:BillieSue

I would be glad for any advise that you can give me.
Esther Staley(BillieSue)

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