I Developed Type 2 At 31 Years Of Age.

by Lelani Flores Sturdevant

Hi! I am Lelani Flores Sturdevant and I am 39 years old now. I have type 2 diabetes, and I discovered that when I was just 31 years old. I thought I had an eye problem which pushed me to check with my eye specialist doctor. He then asked for a Fasting Blood Sugar and it came out that my sugar is high. I was not that surprised since my mom got type 2 diabetes and they say its hereditary. Anyway,I was able to take control over it with proper diet and of course medication. Right now I always see to it that I am consistent with my diet, and exercise daily and most importantly, that I take my food supplements ( Moringa and Sodium Ascorbate).This is what I believe has helped me tremendously in coping with my diabetes.

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