I Had Type 1 at 36 Years Old

by Rochelle

I did not realize that I had diabetes until I was about 36 years old. The major symptoms that sent me to the doctor were having to go to the bathroom. I had to get up 3 or 4 times a night. While I had always worn contacts, my eyes seemed to get getting worse too. I had to be almost on top of those big green road signs to even be able to read them. I was really shocked to find out that I was Insulin-dependent. When I first started taking Humulin, I lost weight at an alarming pace. I went from 140 pounds to 115 in about 7 weeks. My friends were scared. I spent a lot of money on clothes. I would buy a new pain of jeans and by the next week, they were too big. I started shopping at used clothing stores. I have always been somewhat of a germophobe, but now my friends think I'm crazy. I am afraid of getting sick because I don't know how my body will react. I follow a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Baked or grilled chicken breast salads and, of course, diet soda. I confess to eating candy. I crave sugar as well as bread and pasta. I have just recently started going to a fabulous doctor. She was very knowledgable about how each of the Insulins worked and how food interacted with my body. She has adjusted my medication and I rarely have trouble with lows or highs; however, the other day, I did feel light-headed and breathless and found that my sugar had zoomed to over 200 just because I ate a bag of sourdough pretzels. I usually take about 3 shots a day of Novolog Flexpen, usually right in my belly. My friends at work are used to me checking my numbers at my desk. It has changed my life, but not necessarily in a bad way. I am more educated about the disease and I feel that I manage it well and will continue to live a long and healthy life.

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