I'm A Quitter

by Mitchell Williams
(Jacksonville, Fl)

I have smoked for 25 yrs and after many short lived attempts to quit and one 3 yr stint where I was smoke free. My excuse for picking up the habit again was the start of the War on terrorism. I was a crewmember onboard the ship that fired the first missiles in retaliation to the World Trade Center catastrophe. After many years of lip service, I decided that enough was enough. I developed this well calculated plan to rid myself of the habit at once. I had just started a new job after a 24 yr Naval career and one of my treasured outlets was my frequent visit to the smoke deck to burn a couple and partake in some sea stories pertaining to iron men and wooden ships. This routine had become my surrogate since my weaning from the Navy. Well after a visit form my grandkids, it became apparent that my stamina was waning and I hardly keep up with them at the ripe old age of 42. I also wanted to be around to share my experiences of wars fought and foreign lands seen on journeys across the oceans and seas. I made a decision at that moment that I would break the habit for good. I set a date and upon seeing my doctor, informed her of my decision. She was elated to hear the news and being that I am a type 2 diabetic, embraced my decision and provided me with a prescription for a stop smoking aid which included a support network to help me achieve my goal. As time neared for D-Day of the execution of my plan, I became apprehensive but I stayed the course. I decided against the stop smoking aid as a replacement for the nicotine I was getting from cigarettes. The first day came and I think I chewed 10 packs of gum out of sheer panic. After that day, I substituted my cravings for nicotine with vegetables and mints. It has been 10 months since I last had a cigarette and 8 months since I had a craving. I do not wish to force my beliefs on anyone, but my support system has been a combination of prayer, meditation, and the new outlook on being around to enjoy my family and my grandkids. I know that I have a long haul ahead of me and I feel someday the cravings may return, but if so, I am confident that I will be able to resist the urge. I am a better person and in exceptional health since quitting. I am hopeful that this will inspire someone else to at least consider quitting. The benefits are priceless.

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Nov 01, 2015
I'm A Quitter NEW
by: Anonymous

Smoking is injurious to health and whole world knows even custom essay writing service reviews are also full of it. this fact but people do not leave this habit which is very bad thing for health. There is life experience of a smoker which is very informative to read and inspiration to leave smoking.

Oct 15, 2015
I would never labe NEW
by: Michael

I would never label you a 'quitter' I would label yer actions as regrouping or rethinking yer plans. A true Genius re thinks things. Yer credibility will never be in question with me.
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Mar 09, 2009
Encouragement is Key
by: Mitch

Thanks for your encouragement and for sharing your story with me. Its always good to hear from a fellow quitter. Your comments are inspiring and is fuel for my engine on the road to a cleaner life.

Mar 08, 2009
It Can Be Done
by: Anonymous

I haven't heard of too many other people who have quit smoking successfully. Your news is great. I quit over 4 years ago at age 39, and haven't returned. I can't say I've never had another urge to smoke, but when I do, I just remind myself of what I will lose if I do. I'm sure if I ever started again it would eventually be my cause of death and I don't want that. Hang in there and if urges do come they are always short lived.

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