by Karen
I was shocked when diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 45! There was no history in my family and I was only slightly overweight. I had been diagnosed with breast cancer just one year before. I went through surgery, dose dense chemotherapy, and 33 radiation treatments. During that time, my blood sugar was monitored regularly, and my oncologist said nothing at all about high blood sugar levels. After my chemotherapy treatments, it was my primary care physician who informed me of the diagnosis. She stated that my pancreas was "sputtering" as a result of the chemotherapy. I was prescribed Metformin and counseled on how to test my blood sugar. All the while, I kept thinking - " this is not my fault! - I'm eating right, and keeping my weight under control!" I later learned that the steroid that I had been prescribed to help wth chemo side effects most likely played a role in my increased blood sugar levels. After about 1 1/2 years on Metformin, my A1C levels returned to normal. There are many cancer patients who are not aware of the side effects that steroids (such as Decadron, that I was prescribed), have on blood sugar levels. I am thrilled to say that I am no longer a diabetic!